La voiture électrique est-elle vraiment écologique ?

« Le monde est fou. Le fait que les autorités nous ordonnent d'aller dans une direction technologique, celle du véhicule électrique, est un gros tournant.[1] » Carlos Tavares, ancien PDG de PSA (Peugeot Société Anonyme). Derrière cette phrase « choque », la question de la légitimité du véhicule électrique est une réalité. L’industrie des…

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International cooperation might not be enough when fighting air pollution.

Following up on a previous article about international cooperation when fighting air pollution, I wanted to talk about how we can support it to make it efficient and effective. The reality is that cooperation needs to be supported by investment and logistic support. What can be noticed right away when…

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Quand la transition énergétique bouleverse les besoins en formation et l’emploi

"Nous sommes plusieurs à ne pas vouloir faire mine d'être fiers et méritants d'obtenir ce diplôme à l'issue d'une formation qui pousse globalement à participer aux ravages sociaux et écologiques en cours." S’il s’agit là d’un extrait du discours d’étudiants d’AgroParisTech lors de leur cérémonie de remise de diplôme du…

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Air pollution: undeniable impact on human health and France’s shortcomings

If industrial pollution impacts the quality of the air, its repercussions on the health of the populations, and in particular of the most fragile, is unequivocal. And yet, the air we breathe is as important as the water we drink... A consequent risk on the human health: Santé Publique France…

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The Antarctic mining ban and its role in the combat against climate change

In respect of international law and the protection of the global commons, the Antarctic Treaty’s mining ban outlaws “any activity relating to mineral resources, other than scientific research”. More precisely, it is a prohibition of mineral resource activities to protect Antarctica’s unique and vulnerable environment. However, Article 25 permits the…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Offshore wind energy: in the North Sea: quadruple the total capacity by 2030
Wind-turbine, offshore, worker, boat, sea, sun, vessel

Offshore wind energy: in the North Sea: quadruple the total capacity by 2030

150 gigawatts of wind turbines in the North Sea by 2050 Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium announced on Wednesday, May 18, that they would install nearly 150 gigawatts of wind turbines in the North Sea by 2050, to make it the “green power plant of Europe” and do without…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article 5 May : The France Earth Overshoot Day

5 May : The France Earth Overshoot Day

Since the 5th of May, France has exceeded its « nature life budget ». Since then, every single day, the country consumes more natural resources than the ecosystem can provide. What the « Earth Overshoot Day » is ? To sum up « it is the calculated illustrative calendar date, on which humanity’s…

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