Nucléaire et taxonomie verte

C’est quoi la taxonomie verte ? Pour construire un système de finance durable, l’Union européenne a créé, sur la base du Pacte Vert, une classification des activités économiques qui ciblent à la réalisation des objectifs environnementaux ambitieux, mis en place au sein des politiques européennes. La taxonomie établit un seuil…

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New Technological Progress

Human Heat Produces Renewable Energy  Source: tickets-scotland The discotheque is recognized as an establishment for leisure and musical events since music is the most essential means of expression on which men rely to release their emotions or break their taboos. A factor of socialization, economy, and happiness, the party has…

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Photo by Gonz DDL on Unsplash

L’impact des éoliennes sur la santé : le syndrome éolien

Les éoliennes suscitent depuis plusieurs années un bon nombre de débats et d’inquiétudes notamment par rapport à leur impact potentiel sur la santé humaine pour les personnes vivant à proximité des éoliennes. Pourtant, aucune étude scientifique n’a pu démontrer l’effet des éoliennes sur la santé des personnes. Qu’est-ce que le…

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The difficult acceptability of anaerobic digestion projects

Anaerobic digestion, just like many renewable energies, suffers from a poor social acceptability that calls into question their prospects despite the context of energy transition. One could easily think that in the face of environmental problems, renewable energies would develop much more rapidly on the territory. However, they are facing…

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Plastic is forever

Plastic is forever We eat plastic, we breathe plastic; plastic particles have even been detected in placentas! So, what do we keep waiting for, it’s time to manage it! How long is forever? The life cycle of plastic is measured in hundreds of years. Every minute, the equivalent of one…

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The overconsumption of one single-use plastics

The overconsumption of one single-use plastics… what for?  ... Join the new MOOD and Let’s RE-USE! Contrary to what most people might think, the increase of population doesn’t have to do with the increase of plastics, actually, it's not because we have more population that the quantity of plastic will increase,…

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Let’s talk about… EPR!

Let’s talk about… EPR! The population in 1967 was less than 3.5 billion of persons and production of plastic was less than 25 million tons and now we are over half a century later and the plastic production is over 400 million tons a year and the population is 7.9…

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