« Universal Charger Directive: Streamlining Electronics and Reducing E-Waste Across Europe »

In 2022, the Council of the European Union officially adopted a directive requiring a universal charger for various electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and headphones. Starting from December 2024, these devices will need to be equipped with a USB-C port, allowing consumers to use a single charger to…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Can the urban air mobility be sustainable?
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Can the urban air mobility be sustainable?

The drone sector has grown considerably over the past few years, requiring regulations to limit its effects on the environment and ensure safety. The UAS (unmanned aerial system) or manned eVTOL (electric vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft could be valuable in environmental transition. This type of technology is especially useful…

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FinTech, a seemingly simple innovation that induces complex legal challenges

Global warming is considered as one of the biggest issues in our world and it continues to worsen inevitably. In that context, some consider that accelerating financial technological innovation could be a solution among others to limit it. However, for the traditional banking and financial world, “FinTech” rings like a…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Semer l’innovation, ou comment les AgriTechs redéfinissent l’agriculture du futur

Semer l’innovation, ou comment les AgriTechs redéfinissent l’agriculture du futur

Face aux défis rencontrés par l'agriculture moderne : croissance démographique, pressions environnementales, nécessité d'une production alimentaire plus efficace..., une technologie a été largement stimulée à coté de l'Internet des objets (IoT) et de l'intelligence artificielle (IA), il s'agit de l'AgriTech. Une technologie au service de l'agriculture  Partie intégrante des technologies…

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E-waste in the EU : a need for recycling

“In 2020, 10.5 kg of electrical and electronic equipment waste were collected per inhabitant in the EU” - Eurostat The Third and Fourth Industrial Revolutions were marked by the rise of technology. It has become a tool for economies and societies worldwide, to increase productivity. However, as any industry, it…

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The effects of electromagnetic radiation on health: a hidden truth behind technological progress

The effects of electromagnetic radiation on health: a hidden truth behind technological progress Electromagnetic waves can have dangerous effects on the human body if continuously exposed. Several scientific studies have detailed harmful health consequences to humans and even animals. Figure 1:  Effect of Mobile Phones on Sperm Quality. Source: https://www.saferemr.com/2015/09/effect-of-mobile-phones-on-sperm.html…

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Medical Metaverse: tomorrow’s technology?

Medical Metaverse: tomorrow's technology? The concept of Metaverse has been making waves for several years now. Popularized by Mark Zuckerberg when he decided to rename his company Meta, it is now a hot topic of discussion. Still a vague concept for the public, it combines video games, futuristic experimentation, and…

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