Réduction des déchets : l'Europe veut son chargeur unique - Recyclage ...

In 2022, the Council of the European Union officially adopted a directive requiring a universal charger for various electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and headphones. Starting from December 2024, these devices will need to be equipped with a USB-C port, allowing consumers to use a single charger to power all their devices, thereby eliminating the need to purchase a new charger with each new device.

This measure aims to enhance user convenience while significantly reducing electronic waste, which currently amounts to around 11,000 tons annually. The directive is part of the EU’s Green Deal objectives, which target carbon neutrality by 2050.

In France, this regulation has been incorporated into national law through Decree No. 2023-1271 of December 27, 2023, which will come into effect on December 28, 2024. All small and medium-sized electronic devices sold from this date onward must be compatible with the USB-C universal charger, while laptops will have until April 26, 2026, to comply. Additionally, companies will be required to offer separate sales of devices and chargers, accompanied by an explanatory pictogram. This initiative is expected to significantly reduce Europe’s environmental footprint.


La Commission propose un chargeur universel pour les appareils électroniques (europa.eu)

Chargeur universel obligatoire à compter du 28 décembre 2024 pour tous les appareils électroniques de petite et moyenne taille | entreprises.gouv.fr

Chargeur USB-C universel : un geste vert pour l’Europe (greenetvert.fr)

A propos de Alassane NDIAYE