Title : The water impact of avocado plantations: a growing environmental problem

Avocados are often praised for their nutritional benefits and have become popular worldwide, making them an iconic fruit in the food industry. However, behind this increase in avocado production lies a major environmental problem: the impact of avocado plantations on water. Global expansion of avocado plantations Avocados are mainly grown…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Les règles relatives à la compensation commercialité en cas de changement d’usage de locaux d’habitation à Lyon (Partie 1)
Background of the planet earth viwed from satellite , this image is generated with 3D software and Elements of this image are provided by NASA - istock

Les règles relatives à la compensation commercialité en cas de changement d’usage de locaux d’habitation à Lyon (Partie 1)

A Lyon, le changement d’usage des locaux destinés à l’habitation est soumis à autorisation préalable (art L.631-7 CCH), délivrée par le maire après avis du maire d’arrondissement (art L.631-7-1 CCH). Présentation des règles. Définitions : Changement d’usage: acte de transformation d’un local destiné à l’habitation au profit d’un autre usage (commerces,…

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Hiring Discrimination in France: A Persistent Challenge for Equal Opportunity

Hiring Discrimination in France: A Persistent Challenge for Equal Opportunity Discrimination in hiring is a major social problem in France, despite laws and regulations designed to guarantee equal opportunities in the job market. This form of social injustice has profound repercussions on individuals, companies and society as a whole. This…

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