Lire la suite à propos de l’article Faut-il découpler les prix de l’électricité de ceux du gaz naturel ?
Source : ENOPTEA « le merit ordrer » qu’est ce que c’est ?

Faut-il découpler les prix de l’électricité de ceux du gaz naturel ?

Bien que les politiques publiques d’électrification massive du parc français  ont été déployé par la mise en oeuvre d’un plan d’accélération des EPR, la fixation des prix du marché de gros de l’électricité repose encore, en fonction de la demande, sur ceux du gaz dont la volatilité est bien plus…

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L’hydrogène : miracle ou mirage de la décarbonisation

L’hydrogène : miracle ou mirage de la décarbonation L'hydrogène est devenu le mot à la mode dans le monde de l'énergie et de la décarbonation. Considéré par de nombreux experts comme une solution miracle pour résoudre les problèmes liés aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre et à la…

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Integration of local flexibilities to facilitate the deployment of renewable energy

Integration of local flexibilities to facilitate the deployment of renewable energy Flexibilities are an important experiment to adjust the distribution network for the deployment of renewable energy generation and the development of self-consumption. To do this, we must consider the power system’s functionalities of the distribution grid. Flexibility definition “Flexibility…

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“Green Premium” The solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions

"Green Premium" The solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions  Many activities pollute enormously and emit greenhouse gases in massive quantities. In particular, the production of electricity, transport, agriculture, the heating of buildings, and the manufacture of materials such as cement and steel. Bill Gates has proposed a new alternative to…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Is LK-99, the alleged room temperature, room pressure superconductor a hoax?
Hyun-Tak Kim -

Is LK-99, the alleged room temperature, room pressure superconductor a hoax?

On the 22nd of July 2023, a Korean research team announced in two, non-peer reviewed papers, to have found a room temperature, room pressure superconductor[1],[2] and provided a video showing the magnetic properties of the material and the recipe to recreate it. Since then, several studies have been conducted by…

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Light pollution: an alarming reality

It is an alarming fact, but for years, stars are less and less visible to the naked eye, and some regions never see the stars at night. But beyond this aspect, light pollution is a major environmental problem and increasingly worrying, since it now concerns almost the entire planet. Light…

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If fusion is achieved, it might be one the cleanest energy resources

Recently nuclear fusion has seen several breakthroughs. One of them happened on the 5th of December 2022, when a research team achieved “ignition” at the National Ignition Facility part of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California[1]. In other words, for the first time, a fusion reactor has produced more…

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