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Source : France-chaleur-urbaine

Chauffage vert : l’avenir des réseaux de chaleur

Les débats sur les énergies renouvelables sont omniprésents, avec des discussions sur le solaire photovoltaïque, l’éolien et le nucléaire qui captent l’attention. Chaque technologie a ses propres avantages et défis, et leur acceptation varie considérablement selon les régions. Par exemple, l’éolien est bien accueilli en Allemagne, mais suscite plus de…

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Energy and water, a crucial interdependence

Energy supply chain needs water. Water supply chain needs energy. The connection between water and energy could intensify because of climate change and population growth impacting both sectors.  Water for Energy The world has a water problem: repeated droughts, floods. The energy sector needs to deal with it. In fact,…

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The environmental impact of data centers

The impact of digital technology on the environment is very real, accounting for 2.5% of carbon emissions in France (source: ADEME and ARCEP study, 2022). This figure could rise even further in the years to come.  Data centers are like the brains of the Internet. They are essential for storing,…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Poland and its coal (part 2) : the challenges and progress of the energetic transition
©Darkmoon_Art ©aszak

Poland and its coal (part 2) : the challenges and progress of the energetic transition

    Today, 70.2% of Poland's primary energy production comes from its coal[1]. This includes the burning of the ore by thermal power stations or directly by households. The country is therefore heavily dependent on this energy. This dependence on "the dirtiest of fossil fuels"[2] is creating major environmental and…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Poland and its coal (part 1): the devastating effects on public health
the Karolin coal-fired power station in Poznan, Poland ©Marcin Jozwiak

Poland and its coal (part 1): the devastating effects on public health

  In winter, when the wind doesn't blow in Poland, cities disappear under a thick gray, black, or yellow mist: the “smog”. A contraction of the words "smoke" and "fog," smog is a toxic mix of ambient fog, gases, and fine particles, and is the reason Poland has the most…

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L’énergie nucléaire en tant qu’énergie verte

L'énergie nucléaire en tant qu’énergie verte Lorsque l'on pense aux sources d'énergie vertes, l'énergie nucléaire n'est pas toujours la première qui vient à l'esprit. Pourtant, l'énergie nucléaire ne produit pas de quantités importantes de gaz à effet de serre, caractéristique qu'elle partage avec les énergies dites "vertes", qualificatif qui pourrait…

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Integration of local flexibilities to facilitate the deployment of renewable energy

Integration of local flexibilities to facilitate the deployment of renewable energy Flexibilities are an important experiment to adjust the distribution network for the deployment of renewable energy generation and the development of self-consumption. To do this, we must consider the power system’s functionalities of the distribution grid. Flexibility definition “Flexibility…

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