Environmental activism in Serbia vs. multinational companies

The latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report, emphasizes humanity's detrimental impact on the climate. The report reveals that neglecting climate issues has resulted in severe consequences worldwide, including wildfires and floods. It underscores the glaring lack of political will to tackle environmental problems. Climate and environmental activists in…

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The “supercell” summer

The month of July in Europe was marked by devastating storms that caused significant damage to agriculture, infrastructure, vehicles, uprooted trees, and even loss of human lives. One particularly notable storm occurred in Slovenia on July 13, lasting more than 12 hours, affecting five countries, including Serbia, and covering a…

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Environmental education in the Serbian school system

The Serbian school system, as well as many others, dedicates a part to environmental education. Topics related to the environment and sustainability are integrated into various subjects, helping students develop a holistic understanding of environmental issues. This starts as early as the first grade, with the subject called “Priroda i…

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Title : The water impact of avocado plantations: a growing environmental problem

Avocados are often praised for their nutritional benefits and have become popular worldwide, making them an iconic fruit in the food industry. However, behind this increase in avocado production lies a major environmental problem: the impact of avocado plantations on water. Global expansion of avocado plantations Avocados are mainly grown…

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The Administrative Court of Appeal of Bordeaux condemned the Dordogne department to pay 500,000 euros to environmental protection associations

  By a judgment of July 4, 2023, the administrative judges of Bordeaux struck hard on the budget of the administration, by ordering the liquidation of a penalty imposed against the department of Dordogne. In January 2018, the community had obtained an environmental authorization, issued by the prefect, to carry…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Une nouvelle règlementation européenne plus stricte sur la gestion du cycle de vie des batteries
Home virtual battery energy storage with house photovoltaic solar panels plant, wind and rechargeable li-ion electricity backup. Electric car charging on renewable smart power island off-grid system.

Une nouvelle règlementation européenne plus stricte sur la gestion du cycle de vie des batteries

Aujourd’hui, l’usage des batteries est essentiel et inévitable, surtout dans un contexte de transition écologique. Les énergies solaires et éoliennes n'étant pas disponibles en continu, il est plus qu’opportun d’avoir des espaces de stockage pour les conserver. Les batteries permettent d’emmagasiner l’énergie produite, et de la restituer. La demande de batterie est ainsi…

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Overshoot Day: when the planet says “enough”

Every year, the "Overshoot day" (or "Earth's Day of Exceeding") marks the moment when humanity has consumed all the resources the planet is capable of renewing in one year. In other words, from this day onwards, we begin to draw on the ecological reserves of the future. This concept, developed…

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