What is “ecocide” in international law?

“It would be the fifth crime liable to prosecution before the International Criminal Court (ICC), alongside the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression”. Ecocide is a serious attack on the environment, which causes major damage to one or more ecosystems, and can lead…

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Overconsumption in the fashion field an ecological non-sense

For more than 30 years now, whistleblowers and experts have been denouncing the problems caused by this over-consuming society. They launched the idea of a movement advocating a more reasoned and sober consumption. If these were more than marginal during years, we see today that consciences are awakening. The main…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article 5 May : The France Earth Overshoot Day

5 May : The France Earth Overshoot Day

Since the 5th of May, France has exceeded its « nature life budget ». Since then, every single day, the country consumes more natural resources than the ecosystem can provide. What the « Earth Overshoot Day » is ? To sum up « it is the calculated illustrative calendar date, on which humanity’s…

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L’accélération de la déforestation : L’urgence de mettre un terme à l’écocide en cours

La situation de la forêt tropicale amazonienne ne fait qu’empirer, en effet sous la pression du gouvernement climato-septique de Jair Bolsonaro et de l’action des industriels, la plus grande forêt tropicale de notre planète perd chaque année des milliers de kilomètres carrés. Des pesticides projetés sur la forêt amazonienne pour…

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