What is space-based solar power?  

This is a production of energy from space that can be efficient to generate or produce energy.  

The UK has decided to beam the project of space-based solar power up to 2035, with the objective to have zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.  

China planned to build a space-based solar power plant that beams energy back to earth by the year 2028. This is also with the same objective to reduce GHG emissions.  


Why do we need to use this technology?  

There are financial reasons which can prove that we need to start or develop the project based on generating the electricity from space, to reduce the temperature of the earth. Satellite-based solar panels would be able to capture and transmit more energy than terrestrial solar panels.

Every hour, more solar energy reaches the Earth than humans use in a year. Solar energy is reflected into space by the atmosphere. Since clouds, atmosphere, and nighttime are absent in space, satellite-based solar panels would be able to capture and transmit substantially more energy than terrestrial solar panels.

Additionally, there is no production of poisonous waste in space-based solar power and no GHG emissions to the environment. It collects sunlight 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, which means continuous power generation, and this is why it can generate 40% more energy annually. 


Disadvantages of the space-based solar system in general

1- The space in which it needs to be installed is almost 4 sq. km, consisting of rows of solar panels. The space frame will be 36,000 km above the earth’s surface.

2- Cost: This project could be costly, so as to launch the satellite to space for example. Even developing such a project, would be costly.  

3- The demand for energy production and installation of solar panels into space is more than the energy generated.  

These are the reasons for any country to think about the reduction of the emissions of GHG, like China which expects to finish the high voltage power transmission and wireless energy tests that would be needed for a space-based solar power system. The concept is likely to get renewed attention.



1 A solar power plant in space? The UK wants to build one by 2035. (msn.com) 

2 China plans to build Space-based Solar power technology by 2030 – SERVEVEDA.ORG , Space-based solar power plants could soon be a thing | Digital Trends 

3 https://www.energy.gov/ 

4 https://www.bing.com/search?q=There+is+no+production+poisonous+waste+in+space+based+solar+power.+No+greenhouse+gas+emission+en+envirenement.&FORM=AWRE 

5 atul.pdf (stanford.edu) 

6 https://www.cnbc.com/ 


A propos de Shabnam FARHAT