Environmental Education: Shaping Tomorrow’s Citizens for GHG Reduction

Environmental education plays an huge role in the fight against climate change. By raising awareness among young people about the importance of environmental protection and equipping them with the tools needed to take action, we have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This article explores the importance…

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Le Maroc : Fer de Lance de la Transition Énergétique en Afrique

En 2024, le Maroc s'affirme comme un leader émergent dans le domaine du développement durable et de l'efficacité énergétique en Afrique. Grâce à des initiatives ambitieuses et des investissements stratégiques, le royaume chérifien transforme ses défis énergétiques en opportunités, ouvrant la voie à un avenir plus vert et plus durable.…

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PFAS: ces “polluants éternels” à l’origine d’une préoccupation grandissante 

PFAS: ces “polluants éternels” à l’origine d’une préoccupation grandissante  Entre effets sur la santé et impacts sur l’environnement, les PFAS sont devenus ces dernières années un sujet préoccupant. Poêles, textiles, emballages alimentaires, automobiles de nombreux objets du quotidien contiennent ces substances. Les PFAS  Les PFAS ou per- et polyfluoroalkylées regroupent…

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Energy and water, a crucial interdependence

Energy supply chain needs water. Water supply chain needs energy. The connection between water and energy could intensify because of climate change and population growth impacting both sectors.  Water for Energy The world has a water problem: repeated droughts, floods. The energy sector needs to deal with it. In fact,…

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The environmental impact of data centers

The impact of digital technology on the environment is very real, accounting for 2.5% of carbon emissions in France (source: ADEME and ARCEP study, 2022). This figure could rise even further in the years to come.  Data centers are like the brains of the Internet. They are essential for storing,…

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Harnessing Green Finance for Sustainable Economic Metamorphosis

"One of the enemies that we'll be fighting at this conference is cynicism, the notion we can't do anything about climate change[1]." President Barack Obama’s statement at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris on December 1, 2015. Climate change has emerged as the foremost political, social and economic…

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