The effects of electromagnetic radiation on health: a hidden truth behind technological progress
Electromagnetic waves can have dangerous effects on the human body if continuously exposed. Several scientific studies have detailed harmful health consequences to humans and even animals.
Figure 1: Effect of Mobile Phones on Sperm Quality. Source:
Figure 2: Biological Effects and Mechanisms of Electromagnetic Radiation. Source:
What are the effects of electromagnetic waves on the human body?
The Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs) that can be found in nature are continuous and have minor variations over time. The human body adapts to them because they are a part of the environment where it was born and it evolved in their presence. Nonetheless, there are also artificial EMFs of distinct types[1]:
- At low frequencies
- In high frequencies
Some harmful effects of low frequencies on health are already well documented and recognized by the scientific community and society, in particular leukemia linked to remarkably high voltage lines[2].
Indeed, the functioning and constitution of cells, the DNA, and the nervous and endocrine systems are affected by the electromagnetic fields in such a way that, as demonstrated by science, individuals may develop specifically related conditions like a disease known as electro hypersensitivity (EHS)[3].
Electromagnetic fields generate the activation of the human body magnetosomes, which keep the exposed individuals in a state of constant stress and alert. Thus, “there will be endocrine-immune responses, involving both, the secretion of hormones and immune defense reactions through the production of lymphocytes”[4]. The body then reacts to find its ideal balance.
In addition, EMFs disrupt several body functioning levels like the respiratory level, the level of the use of oxygen O2, the level of water molecules H2O, the level of the arrangement of protons H+ in the intermembrane space, and the level of the ATP[5] enzyme manufacturing. The latter, for instance, is a valuable component for the brain and heart and in general for all cellular functions. The lack of ATP in the body eventually leads to pathologies[6].
The inflammatory phenomenon caused by electromagnetic radiation is associated with certain neurodegenerative diseases, and if the exposure is prolonged, the inflammation becomes chronic, affecting the immune system.
At the same time the pollution by EMFs has effects on nerve cells. Two scenarios can arise[7]:
- causing cell death and degeneration of nervous tissue
- promoting the proliferation of cancer cells and the appearance of tumors.
This also generates cellular stress, and its accumulation can cause heart rhythm disorders or even a risk factor for high blood pressure[8].
Can EMFs also have consequences on animal health?
In 2021, the expert appraisal released by the ANSES[9] agency gave an opinion regarding disorders on two cattle farms that are situated near a wind farm, a facility that is connected to the electricity grid and a source of electromagnetic fields. It concluded that the problems experienced – reduced milk production and quality, behavioral problems, increased mortality – were probably not related to the presence of wind turbines[10].
However, experimental animal and epidemiological research has determined that exposure to RF EMFs is carcinogenic. Thus, in 2011, RF EMFs were considered potentially carcinogenic to humans and animals. (IARC, 2013) (IARC, 2019a, IARC, 2019b)[11].
Can we limit our exposure and if so, how?
First, people must remove sources of EMF or limit daily exposure to as little as possible, especially those who have been diagnosed with electro hypersensitivity, but also to all artificial chemicals, including cleaning products and hygiene[12].
These measures must be accompanied by medical treatment, for example, vitamins, antioxidants, and antihistamines which help the body to repair itself and fight against inflammatory phenomenon[13]. However, it must be considered that each organism is unique, and the treatment will vary on a case-by-case basis.
People diagnosed with EHS must think about appropriate housing layouts, workstations adapting, and technology use and practices. Individuals must acquire individual responsibility to control the proliferation of wireless devices themselves.
But individual efforts are not enough and there is a need for greater political will to advance measures. Health authorities can incorporate the precautionary principle in their decisions so that they do prevention, but they could also protect people, especially the most vulnerable, by promoting sobriety in equipment and wireless devices use[14].
Other related articles:
Biological Effects and Mechanisms of Electromagnetic Radiation | Encyclopedia MDPI
[1] Claude Bossard, Marie Milesi, Alain Richard, Isabelle Nonn-Traya, Michèle Rivasi. La pollution électromagnétique – Santé, législation, protection dans l’habitat… Terre Vivante Editions. Novembre 2018. p. 51.
[2] Ibidem., p. 50.
[3] Ibidem.
[4] Ibid.
[5] “Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the molecule universally used by cells for their functioning. It is the hydrolysis of the phosphate bonds of this molecule which releases the energy usable by the cells. The latter use energy for several activities: replicating DNA, dividing, making proteins, transcribing, and translating genes and moving. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the molecule universally used by cells for their functioning. It is the hydrolysis of the phosphate bonds of this molecule which releases the energy used by the cells. The latter uses energy for several activities: replicating DNA, dividing, making proteins, transcribing, and translating genes and moving.” La production d’ATP – Tle – Cours SVT – Kartable
[6] Paul Héroux (professeur toxicologue, épidémiologiste, chercheur en santé au travail à la faculté de médecine de l’Université McGill), conférence à la foire Ecosphère de Montréal, 2016 et section 16 du Rapport Bioinitiative 2012 : « Plausible Genetic ans Metabolic Mechanisms for Bioeffects of Very Weak ELF Magnetic Fields on Living Tissue » cité par La pollution électromagnétique p. 71.
[7] La pollution électromagnétique – Santé, législation, protection dans l’habitat… Op. cit. p. 77.
[8] Ibidem.
[9] French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Our identity | Anses – Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail
[11] Effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMF) on cancer in laboratory animal studies: A protocol for a systematic review – ScienceDirect Environment International Volume 161, March 2022, 107106
[12] La pollution électromagnétique – Santé, législation, protection dans l’habitat… Op. cit. p. 97.
[13] Ibidem.
[14] Ibidem., p. 100.
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