Microsoft fires 10,000 employees.
Microsoft is a multinational company, present in the tech world for 47 years. It is a huge company
that has been trying to invest in new technologies since its inception.
Although the company has experienced a big boom during the pandemic, it is now experiencing a
decline and its activity is shrinking. Consumers are facing the current crisis and adapting their
consumption. Microsoft has announced to lay off 10,000 employees by the end of March, witch is a
reduction of 5% of their workforce. Microsoft had already made two rounds of layoffs in July and
October 2022
The goal for microsoft is to reduce costs. This action is part of a general trend in the tech world.
Indeed, amazon has also cut more than 18,000 jobs.
The company is obliged to align the costs with the teachers it realizes and the consumer demand.
Indeed, this massive layoffs following a wave of hiring during the pandemic. Even if it reduces
personnel costs, the company invests in AI research and development.
The tech world is a world in on the move, full of evolutions and changes whether for consumers or employees.
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