Thermal comfort
Thermal comfort is a concept that represents a feeling of well-being, defined as a state of thermal balance between the human body and the external environment. Thermal comfort does not only depend on the temperature, but on several factors.
Factors ensuring thermal comfort
Guaranteeing a good thermal comfort, consists in limiting the thermal contributions and losses and depends on several parameters.
- The setpoint temperature : Is estimated between 19°C and 20°C in winter and 25°C in summer, but it also depends on the outside temperature and the activity level in the room. The setpoint temperature is a parameter that allows considerable energy savings.
- Wall temperature: thermal insulation plays an essential role in thermal comfort.
- The heating method :
Convection heating :A heating method that relies on air movement for heat transfer. However, this method of heating tends to create some thermal discomfort due to the phenomenon of air stratification, warmer air settles at the top of the room.
Radiant heating : A method of heating that relies on the transfer of heat by infrared waves. This method of heating provides good thermal comfort.
- Efficient temperature regulation
- Relative humidity
Good thermal comfort depends on the occupant
In addition to all these factors mentioned below, the occupant’s physical activity and his clothing level have an influence on the feeling of thermal comfort.
A good design and adequate insulation as well as an efficient heating system can ensure good thermal comfort while limiting energy consumption.
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